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Little Miss Perfect

  • Friday, December 3, 2010
  • Filippino Bebot

  • Some say Miss Philippines Venus Raj made the biggest mistake of her life with her answer to the final question at the 2010 Miss Universe Pageant...

    Actor Billy Baldwin asked Raj her final question: "What is one big mistake you've made in your life and what did you do to make it right?

    Raj gracefully smiled and thanked Baldwin for his "wonderful" question, then responded: "In my 22 years of existence I can say that there is nothing major major, I mean problem that I have done in my life because I am very confident with my family, with the love that they are giving to me. So, thank you so much that I am here!"

    Many say that the fact Raj was unable to point out a single personal weakness likely cost her the crown.

    Since when is living a respectful and commendable life a bad thing? Philippino culture is very reserved and polite, and this is exactly how Raj was raised.

    Yes, she could have given some form of answer even if it was a small mistake on her part, but Philippine culture has Hiya in mind.

    Cultural Info: Hiya cannot be exactly translated into English but is close to the word shame. This word holds great importance to the Philippine people, and they go about their everyday lives to avoid this. It is a huge part of their culture and family, and many will go to great lengths in avoidance of it.

    Did anyone every take this into consideration when Raj gave her answer in front of the world?


    Unknown said...

    Excellent point - I think most of these international competition forget that all these contestants have different value systems and hence, will compete each in their own different way. These competitions, like Miss. Universe in particular is what i think a very Western way of judging and competing. Im sure that in Filipino eyes, she was classy and elegant and made every one proud - Which I guess, at the end of the day, is what this whole thing is all about, Making your country proud. So with that being said: Good Job Raj!

    Amanda.M.M said...

    Great Video! She is so Gorgeous!

    onard said...

    She'ssss really hot!!!!! Other than that great writing, it was nice to get the perspective of beauty pageants from a different country that is not apart of western civilization. Great post, keep it coming.

    Unknown said...

    The culture of beauty contests rewards the participants for giving the same-old-boring-politically-correct remarks. That really should change- we would get a better glimpse of their true personalities.