In 2001 less than 8 % of the country was covered by original tropical rainforest! Less than 100 years ago this was still 70 %! The deforestation has to bestopped to save the biodiversity andthe productivity of the forest as a natural resource. If not, there will be no rainforest left within 15 years.
Species in Danger due to deforestation
the tarsier (smallest monkey in the world)
the large Philippine Eagle
the Philippine cockatoo
flying lemurs
flower peckers
the Philippine crocodile
The Anti Logging Movement
Since 1994 the national Philippine government has been making serious efforts to stop the illegal logging. Laws and rigid regulations were announces and conservation programs were started in order to protect the rainforest.
Heres how many loggers get away with it:
Licenses are permits only for cutting a limited amount of trees (Just enough for forest- management) However, the practice is that these permits are used multiple times. Thats illegal! Recent actions of the DENR (Department of Environment and Natural Resources) were succesfull in Northern Samar.
In June 6, 2001, a fragmentation grenade was thrown at the tent used as a temporary shelter for anti-logging environmentalists.
It was seen as a miracle that the hand grenade didn't explode. Investigation showed that its pin was already removed and that the safety lever already was detached.
The eight environmentalists, who were resting inside the te
nt, would have been killed if the grenade had gone off. It was thought that the attack was meant ´to silence´ the anti-logging groups."
- The Philippines Official Website (
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