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Pimp My Jeep

  • Friday, December 10, 2010
  • Filippino Bebot

  • What the * is a Jeepney?

    Well since you asked...A Jeepney is a vehicle made up of old World War II jeep parts. Its the most popular form of transportation in Manila (the capital of the Philippines for those of you who might have forgotten).

    Think of it as a make shift taxi, and it only costs a total of 2.5 pesos to ride (about 20ents).

    Jeepneys come in all different colors, and no two are the same. People find odd parts and use them any way they can, and some people even attach motorcycles to the bottom of the jeepneys to power them!

The Jeepney belongs to the Philippines just like the yellow cab belongs to New York or the red double-decker bus belongs to London...Icon? I think so…

Like many other automotive icons, they mirror the soul of the city: improvised, colorful, enduring and relentlessly cheerful.

    Drivers painted the jeeps in bright colors to attract customers, competing to come up with the most ostentatious designs. The jeeps were also stretched to accommodate long bench seats. You commonly see chrome plating, forests of hood ornaments, colorful wheels, flashing lights, religious iconography, or names of sons and daughters. The only rule is that they must be over-the-top.
 Some feature advertising for local products and charities. Today’s jeepneys are cobbled together with used engines, second-hand transmissions, several steel bars, sheet metal, reconditioned tires, and bitsand pieces salvaged from dead automobiles in independent factories.


    Unknown said...

    I love these!! I want one!
    What a fun way to stand out from the crowd 9and I believe its quite a crowd in the Philippines).